Flowers for Summer color that can take the heat!
Seasonal Color adds interest to the Landscape. At BEI, we design landscapes that change with the season and provide enjoyment year-round.
The main benefit of seasonal color landscaping is the ability to boost your curb appeal. Aside from catching the eye of those passing by, it also creates a beautiful space for you to enjoy year-round.
Marina City, Chicago
Annual flowers provide consistent long term color where perennials and shrubs have a color show and then greenery.
Dragon Wing Begonias (prized for its lush green foliage and colorful flowers) and Petunias (bright and lively, bloom that scent the air with lovely fragrance)
Remember, color can have more impact on the landscape than any other design element. However, nothing has a more negative impact than a poorly maintained color area.
Petunia (popular annual flowers for adding instant color) Hanging Baskets
A crucial element to a successful seasonal color flower display is bed prep. With proper nutrients, organic matter, moisture control and air circulation the plants will flourish.
Annual Rudbeckia (Black Eyed Susans, yellow daisy-like flowers with large seed heads) & Vinca (a tough reliable ground cover)
Each season has its own look and feel. The displays should be filled with plants that relish in that particular season.
Cannas (tropical-like foliage and large flowers that resemble an iris), Coleus (bright leaves that range from red to gold to lime), Potato Vine, & Angelonia (Clusters of tiny, orchid-like flowers)