Jesus Navarrete

Jesus Navarrete Recruitment Specialist

Jesus Navarrete is our newest Recruitment Specialist at BEI. Jesus works hard to source potential candidates to work on our crew teams. He does pre-screenings, interviews, and networking to help find the perfect employees for Balanced Environments. He spends a lot of time on phone calls to coordinate with Branch Managers and team leaders and attending job fairs and events to recruit new talent. He loves helping candidates find the job that fits their needs and building relationships with them. Jesus attended Lake County College and believes landscaping is an art, it isn’t just about mowing lawns or planting flowers, it is about making a place in to a head turning property that looks beautiful and elegant. Some of his proudest moments including hiring labor associates and seeing them grow at BEI to a lead, then a supervisor. He is excited when a candidate takes a chance with him and makes the right choice to come work at Balanced Environments. Jesus enjoys volunteering at Feed My Starving Children in his spare time.

Contact Information

17950 W. IL Route 173,Old Mill Creek,IL